Truth vs. Lie-A Poem


Goodness in a man recedes with the act of lie
What makes one lie, where the truth has gone
Like a thick dark cloud which hides the mighty sun
The lie hides the goodness of a man for a while.

In these ever changing time, truth loses its value
Lie has taken its place, driving honesty to the end
Why do we survive, at the cost of truth ?
Why not we change, before we are asked to change!

Morals does exists, just only in theory!
When will it be practiced, is a million dollar question! 
Life's ordeal might be big, is there any doubt?
Yet it's moral, that forms part of the mankind!

Life's real values are love, affection and friendship
It doesn't require a price, has more value indeed
Do all the good deeds, as long as you are young
Youth is not eternal, remember this clear truth! 

                                                                                                            A Poem by Ayubkhan.U